Saturday 24 November 2012

Became A Giant Collossal Squid 250

On November 16 I became a 'collosal squid' with 250 quality lenses under my belt. I had around 270, just to make sure that there were enough to choose from, but I seem to have made it with flying colors. I can't believe it, just about a year ago I had around 30 lenses and was struggling with less than $50 at Squidoo per month. Now one year later, and I've achieved so much...

In addition on the 18th of the November I've just celebrated 4 years of beeing at Squidoo. Woohoo! Congrats to me!

Monday 5 November 2012

Christmas Lens On Front Page Of Squidoo

It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted here. So let's see what things have happened with my Squidoo account since.

Some of my lenses have been featured on the front page, including my Halloween lens on Grandma Halloween Costumes and my new one for a Christmas quest called Book Holders for Reading. Actually the book holders lens also got last week a purple star and it's been featured on the front page for the last couple of days already. I'm tickled pink!

I've started making a few Christmas lenses since the 2-3 I already have are making me some random sales. The two lenses I made so far are:

Presents for New Mums
Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Women

My goal is to make 10 Christmas lenses in November, so let's see if I can meet this challenge.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Made 250 Lenses

It took me a while, pretty much the entire year, but I've finally got to another milestone at Squidoo yesterday: made 250 lenses from scratch. And of course I got a fun monster for it and 500 points, lol.

My next goal: make another 20 or so lenses and then apply for the next Giant level 250. And then next? Well 500 lenses of course!

Oh and speaking of 'monsters falling', not sure if I've already showed this one from a few days ago...

Wednesday 17 October 2012

New Halloween Lens On Front Page

I took part in a new quest at Squidoo in listing an already existing (or new) lens as 'best that we made' for Halloween, and I added one that I made towards end of August on Halloween candelabra. It was accepted and the next day I saw it on the homepage. Yeppee! And here it is in action...

Saturday 13 October 2012

Halloween Costumes Lens On Front Page

Remember the lens I posted about just yesterday on the Grandma Halloween Costumes? Well I've sent it in to Squidoo HQ as a completed quest, got 200 points and just now spotted it on the front page. Noticed a post in the Facebook forum that others have seen theirs too, so I refreshed the Squidoo homepage and there was mine too!

Here is the screenshot, my lens is the green one right in the middle with the red arrow above it. Feels great to see it there.

Friday 12 October 2012

Last Halloween Lens This Year And Sad News

I've just received some sad news from my mom this morning, my grandma died in her sleep last night at the age of 86. Sadly I can't go to the funeral as I'm living in another country and across the sea, so it's not so easy. My parents are going, however.

This morning I started on a Halloween lens for a Giant Halloween Quest, but as I found the news about my grandmother, I scraped that lens and started a new one. It's a fun one about Grandma Halloween costumes, and I dedicated this lens to my granny.

So strange, today I've seen and heard several mentions of 'grandmas' during the day, at some point the church bells went off without any real reason (there was no wedding, or funeral or christening around here), then I saw an ad in the TV about food that grandma used to do, then I also so another Squidoo lens by another lensmaster with something related to grandmas. Most probably it's nothing, maybe I was just more sensitive to the whole 'grandparent' idea and I took more notice on things that usually I wouldn't.

Anyway I don't think this lens will have time to do anything this year since it won't get any tier payment the first month of creation, and unless it gets picked up by Google and visited by searchers on the net, it won't make sales. But it's ok, it will do next year. In the meantime I just felt that I had to do something while mourning my grandma today. While the costumes are rather silly and some ugly and scary, I know my grandma would have smiled (or made a cross) when looking at them. Rest in peace grandma.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Is It Too Late To Make Chrismas Lenses?

I've been wondering when is the best time to start making Christmas lenses, and while I could have started a bit earlier (I do prefer to make more evergreen lenses rather than seasonal ones), I figure I still have 2 months before the Christmas season is in full swing. Although I did start to have some sales on my Christmas tree toppers stars lens on my own Amazon account - which brought me to make a new lens, one that I worked on several hours in fact.

It's called Fiber Optic Christmas Decorations, and some of the decor items here are truly gorgeous, especially the Christmas villages. Perfect for a Christmas gift to a family member, loved one or friend.

Just check out this gorgeous village right here - isn't it awesome?

And a bit of a fun trivia...I've just received this little squid monster...did I really like 4000 lenses? *gulp*

Tuesday 2 October 2012

October Earning Stats Are In

The October earning stats for August have just come in to our Dashboard, there is even a discussion about it at the Squidoo forum. There is a nice upwards trend which I like, for all 3 tiers, but especially for tier 1.

For example when comparing with the same month last year, this is what it looks like?

October 2012 earnings:

Tier 1 Earnings
Adpool: $45.28 Text link: $14.55 Total: $59.83

Tier 2 Earnings
Adpool: $7.70 Text link: $2.47 Total: $10.17

Tier 3 Earnings
Adpool: $0.39 Text Link: $0.12 Total: $0.51

October 2011 earnings:

Tier 1 Earnings
Adpool: $36.28 Text link: $11.41 Total: $47.69

Tier 2 Earnings
Adpool: $6.17 Text link: $1.94 Total: $8.11

Tier 3 Earnings
Adpool: $0.31 Text Link: $0.9 Total: $0.40

A nice change compared to last year, particularly for tier 1 with over $10 increase for that tier. It's worth fighting for keeping as many lenses in tier 1, that's true. However with these nice increases, it's also true that the fight for this coveted tier is stronger and stronger every month.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Google Traffic Before The Lens Is Featured

I've read a recent post on Greekgeek's blog about how Squidoo can get Google traffic BEFORE the lens becomes featured (i.e. enters in the next day's lensrank update) and I decided to make my own test.

I created a new lens yesterday on Black and silver bedding, did the usual posting on the Squidoo forum and the various Facebook groups and then waited to see what happens.

The next morning when I checked the lens stats (lensrank update happens usually at around 3 pm my time), it already had 4 visitors from Google and the lens is still In WIP status. You can see in the screenshot below the lens in red with total of 40 visitors. The next screen shows the 40 visitors broken down in 4 direct and 36 referrals. I'm not quite sure why Google visits are considered referrals, but there it is - 4 visits from Google, and the rest are from within Squidoo and Facebook.

And yes indeed, the lens is already indexed in Google:

So it's true, lenses in WIP status (work in progress) before getting featured for the first time can get Google traffic, so WIP doens't immediately mean noindex as many of us previously thought. Now I'm not sure about lenses that get into WIP status after they've been already featured, i.e. due to lack of updates, or no traffic or simply low quality content that is not rewarded. But at least initially the red WIP before the lensrank update still allows Google to find the lens and index it.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Some Recent Trophies and Squidoo Monsters I got

It's such fun when I see points dropping on my Dashboard and I see what they are for. Some are actually fun to read and really bring a smile on my face. Following this earlier post on Funny Squidoo monster messages, here are a few recent ones I've got.

Passed 230 lenses

With the new lens I made today on Free printable Halloween invitations I've just made 232 lenses, woohoo! The goal is to eventually apply to Giant 250, but I want to have a few extra lenses under my belt before I do that. In the meantime I'm working creating more lenses, some salesy ones like the one I made yesterday on the cute Dr. Seuss wall decals, or non-salesy ones like the free printable one I made today.

I'm hoping that with the traffic I will get on the non-salesy lens and clickouts that should follow, my lens will jump to tier 2 at least, if not to tier 1 for the month of Halloween. We'll see how it goes. I know it won't sell anything, but my free printable lenses so far are doing pretty well.

The last week I've been quite busy creating new lenses, I think I've made a lens every single day. Hope to keep it up. I got the flu from hubby so I'm kind of sick right now, but I'm glad to see that my motivation to create Squidoo lenses hasn't diminished.

Friday 21 September 2012

My latest wall decal lenses

I love creating lenses on wall decals. There are just so many gorgeous ones out there that simply need to be looked at. For example just a few days ago I made a lens on the beautiful Marilyn Monroe wall decals, followed by the cute Disney princess wall decals, then the motivational and inspirational Live, laugh, love wall decals and finally the John Deere wall decals for little farmers wannabes.

The great things is that there are wall decals and wall art for everyone: for little girls who love the Disney characters, for little boys who love tractors, for moms and dads who are in love with Marilyn Monroe or enjoy a motivational saying above their heads. I have many more ideas on wall decal lenses, and I'm actually itching to start them. There is just something energizing when I'm looking at all these posters, decals and stickers, and I guess since I can't have them all (I love decals at home as well), I'm living vicariously through my Squidoo lenses!

Saturday 11 August 2012

The Death Of The Old Squidu Forum

Well, the Squidu forum is no more. A few days ago Squidoo HQ pulled the plug on it without any warning. I went one morning to check out on new threads, only to see the forum locked for posting, with a link to the newly created Squidoo forum that is directly on the Squidoo domain.

I'm not going to go into the details of how and why this happened, but right now it looks like we have two main Squidoo forums. The official one, and the one that the Squidoo veterans have started to have a retreat of their own. Personally I'm active in both because I see a value in each of them.

The official forum (at least so far) seems like a very easy way to get newbies introduced to Squidoo. It is a safe and cozy playground that is void of negativity (or so we hope) and of ill will. I love hanging out there for the games, the show and tell, and conversations that are there.

On the other hand the new Yuku forum is more serious in nature. Obviously now at the beginning there is still a bit of bad blood (understandingly so), but once things settle, I see great future for this forum as well. Here the discussions are more serious and the questions are beyond the basics. Here we talk more about Squidoo strategies and what works and what not. In the official forum I love answer questions about how to add an html code or to critique a lens by a new lensmaster.

Plus of course we also have a few Facebook groups for Squidooers, the most active of which is Squidoo Facebook community. Showing off lenses and doing the task of the day and then showing off the results is a fun way to get interactive over there.

All in all I think the situation is not so bad. I do understand the need of HQ to keep things under their own domain and keep discussions strictly on topic and stuff. But I also understand why those who have been for a few years around and know quite a lot about Squidoo need to have a place of their own where they can push the limit a bit beyond the basics. I'm glad to be part of both - or all three of these communities.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Became A Mammoth Squid - Giant Squid 100

Woohoo on July 31st I applied to the next Giant Squid level, 100, and only 3 days later, on August 2 I officially became a Mammoth squid. I'm really happy about it, actually overjoyed. Becoming a giant squid was one of my major goals at Squidoo, but I've never dreamed that I'd once have not 25, but 100 lenses that meet the approval of the Squidoo HQ. I guess I must be doing something right afterall.

This achievement just pushes me to do more lenses, more quality and informative lenses that I can be proud of. It's been already a few days and I'm still feeling the euphoria, although it does start to slowly settle down...

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Squidoo Lens Featured On The Front Page

This week a second lens of mine has been featured on the front page. I entered in the second Woot competition and while I didn't win, my lens about 'How to get rid of fruit flies fast' has won a purple star and it's now randomly featured on the main page of Squidoo.

This is a topic that I actually know something about since due to the extra heat in our parts of the world, there are lots of fruit flies in many kitchens, including ours. I've been using various ways to get rid of them, some working better than others, so here I listed a couple that I'm familiar with.

I currently have 209 lenses, and on another note, I've reached 8% commission at Amazon, mostly through my lenses, and this for the second time now. The first time it was last month while I was away on holiday visiting my parents. The months is not yet fully over, and I'm already in the 8% bracket. Next I'll be working towards getting that elusive 8.25%. That's over 1571 products sold, so it's quite a bit until I get there. First, let's make sure I stay in the 8% bracket in the first place.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Sold One Of My Lenses

Yesterday somebody contacted me for one of my lenses, a tier 3 lens with a PR 3. Basically the lens was related to the topic of a website the person has, which makes sense. Initially I didn't want to sell it,as it's a good lens that I've worked quite a lot on, but in the end I realized that I can always create more lenses (currently I have 202 lenses once this has been sold), and the money in my pocket is also something.

It only sold for $50, but that is money I can use for hosting or new domains. I do predict, however, that the lens will go at some point to tier 2. Yesterday it had lensrank of 22k, while today (I did delete a few links from it and tidied it up a bit), it has 15k lensrank, which is a nice upward trend. I'll keep checking the lens, I think it has real potential. But still, I'm not sorry that I sold it as long as it went to a good home.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Became A Monster Giant Squid And Got A Purple Star

It's quite late in the evening, was about to go to sleep when I checked my email and noticed two mails from Squidoo. I applied to the next level of Giant Squid 50 called Monster Giant, and I've just been accepted AND I got a purple star, my 4th one so far for the lens Kindle Touch case with light. I'm doing my happy dance right now.

Just a year ago I treated Squidoo as some free web2 site to backlink my actual websites. Little did I know that things would turn around so far. Not only I've started earning on Squidoo, every month more than before (just passed $500 for the direct Squidoo payments this month for the April earnings), but I became a Giant squid, got 4 purple stars and learned to make great lenses and got to enjoy doing them too.

Here is the Squidoo dashboard notification about the monster giant squid entrance and the purple star on a lens:

Friday 8 June 2012

Reached New Milestone: to Write 200 Lenses

Finally one of my milestones at Squidoo has been reached: I've just written my 200th lens on Beach wall murals, with some lovely beach scenery artwork for the walls.

So what is my next milestone? Well one of my goals is to become a higher level Giant squid. Currently I am in the level 25, the first level of a giant. The next one is level 50 - monster level. With 200 lenses under my belt I'm pretty sure Squidoo HQ will find 50 lenses that quality.

Next I will go for 250 lenses and then eventually 300. Not sure if I can manage to hit the 300 this year, but it is a goal I'm going for in any case.

Friday 18 May 2012

10 More Lenses To Reach 200

I'm so close to reaching one of my milestones of this year: 200 lenses. Today I've published my 190th on Gifts for guitarists. My brother plays guitar for fun, so I had plenty of ideas to give him or others like him for birthday or Christmas gift, etc.

So what is my next goal once I make 200 lenses? I'm hoping that I'll reach 300 this year. It's 100 lenses more, so I'll have to really get busy to reach this goal, but it might just be possible. That should put me on another earning bracket altogether - hopefully.

Saturday 12 May 2012

187 Lenses And What Else Is New

It's been a bit quiet here on this blog about Squidoo, and I haven't made as many lenses as before, currently being a shy number away from 200. Reason is that I've been writing an ebook for a client. I've finished now the last chapter, and early next week I'll have to review it, check the layout, fonts and all and hand it over fully to the customer. And get paid. And then I can focus more on Squidoo again. I do want to get to 200 lenses by the end of June when I take off for 2 weeks to visit my parents in Hungary.

My natural perfume lens is still featured on the homepage, I've just seen it now when I logged on to Squidoo. Also for the last 2 weeks sales have started to nicely pick up. Now I get more than just a measly sale or two or three a day. There were days when I had over 10 Amazon sales. Granted, today was only 1 again. Hm, maybe I shouldn't talk about it, I just jinx it.

Latest Squidoo payment just came through on the 10th and I made $432, $40 less than the previous month. On the other hand, I made $100 more on Amazon through the lenses using my own affiliate id. My goal hopefully by the end of the year: to get to 8% commission at Amazon. Now that would bump up the earnings nicely. We'll see.

Here is an interesting graph of my Squidoo earnings to date. Funny how it really took off last October, it practically shot off from almost 0.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

My Lens On The Front Page Of Squidoo

I'm so thrilled, for the first time ever one of my lenses has been featured on the front page of itself. The lens is called How to make natural perfume and it's based on one of my (many) hobbies. I love making my own perfume mixes and it's fun to learn about it.

The lens was created a bit over a week ago, and I entered in one of the Squidoo competitions called the Squidcademy Awards. Following that I got the day before yesterday a purple star for it along with 500 squidpoints, and yesterday received my email from Squidoo telling me that it has been selected for the front page.
I rushed to check it out, and indeed, the lens is there, featured every couple of times the page is refreshed. There are many lenses featured on the front page, so featuring them goes through a rotation process.

I took a screenshot of it 'for posterity', so here it is.

Monday 26 March 2012

170 Lenses Of Today

Just made my 170th lens on the cute Hello Kitty toddler bedding for girls. These are just so adorable for little girls, I wish we had these things when I was at that age!

Slowly but surely I'm adding more lenses. Right now nothing special to report, getting a few sales every day be it through Squidoo or from my own Amazon associate links. I've just reached 2 days ago 7.5% at Amazon. I so wish to get once on the next bracket of that would be awesome!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Made 160 lenses

I've been a bit sick the last 2 weeks (was in the hospital for 5 days) so I stopped making lenses and tried to rest so my body can heal. But I'm back on track now (albeit a bit slower at first). Anyway I've made today 2 lenses, and the second one is my 160th one, yeppee! Another 40 to go and I have 200 lenses. Wonder when that will happen? I hope I can start again writing a lens a day, so that would make it within less than 2 months (I usually don't write lenses on the weekend).

Both lenses I wrote today are for the St. Patrick's Day celebration:

Leprechaun Books and
St Patty's Day Shirts <- the 160th lens

On another note, I posted before about a lens that was not previously indexed after 4 months, I re-created it and it got indexed within a few hours I think. Right now it's in Tier 3, it made a few sales and it has lensrank 15,760, which is not bad at all. So if a lens doesn't get indexed say within a few short weeks, I'll definitely re-do it from scratch. It doesn't take that long to copy over the content from one lens to another, provided I find a good URL for the new lens.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Squidoo Earnings Growth

We had the other day a discussion on the Squidutils forum about the earning growth on Squidoo for royalties, and some of us showed our graphics to illustrate that. Mine was an interesting case as the growth is almost non-existent, followed in September by a real shooting to the moon.

I guess it shows the growth since I became much more focused on Squidoo last Steptember. Just as with anything, as long as you pull in the hard work, the rewards won't fail eventually to show up.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Lens Remade And Indexed Within Hours

Well that's interesting. I wrote yesterday a post about a lens not getting indexed after 4 months. Well this morning I decided to recreate the lens, so having two tabs open, I copy-pasted all the lens information to a new url, and then deleted the old lens. I pinged the new lens, send it to Lensroll and Lenslike and that was it.

Just a few short hours after I checked in Google and the lens was already indexed! My new baby lens is well and alive. I can't believe I waited for 4 months until I scraped the old one to finally give it a new shot.

So here is the new lens which was accepted by Google right away:

Best Self-Help Books For Women

I am tickled pink that Google indexed this one so fast. I think there must have been some glitch at Google about the old one and it would have never gotten indexed at all. Guess better late than never...

Saturday 11 February 2012

Lens Not Indexed in 4 Months

Ok I have a weird situation here - I have a lens that hasn't been indexed in Google since last October - that's just about 4 months and that's weird, considering that most of my lenses get indexed within hours or days (usually 2-3 days max). I noticed this by chance, since it's very down in tiers and it doesn't get any visitors, and the keyword is not all that difficult afterall.

So I checked in Google and sure enough, it's still not indexed.

I got a few useful tips from fellow lensmasters on the Squidutils forum and I've been implementing them, hoping that Google will finally take notice of it. If not, sometimes next week it goes on to the chopping block and will re-create it on another fresh lens.

The lens is about self help books for women, and the original title was Best self-help books for women, but I got the advice to even change the title for a bit, hoping that things will shake up. Let's see.

Also changed the lens a bit, added a link to a module of the lens within the intro part, changed the image and pinged it. It would be awesome to finally get indexed, I wouldn't want to scrap it and spend my time rebuilding it from scratch.

Friday 10 February 2012

Lens Selected For Valentine's Day Recipes Monsterboard

This one is new to me too: one of my lenses I submitted for a quest on Valentine's Day got featured on the 80 Valentine's Day Recipes monsterboard. In the image below is the one pointed to by the orange arrow. It's a lens on Valentine Cake Balls (which are yum-yum!)

80 Valentine's Day Recipes

None of my lenses were previously featured on any monsterboard or on the homepage (one of my 'wet dreams' which hopefully will also happen), so this was an interesting event for me.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

150 Lenses Done So Far

I took a 4 day break from last Thursday until Sunday to play an online game I've discovered recently, called Entropia Universe. It's awesome and quite addictive. As I know myself when it comes to games, I spent these days to play fully and get it out of my system (else I'd be dreaming about the game instead of working every day). Now I'm back on track with my 150th lens today on palm tree wall decals.

I can't believe how far I've come since I've started more seriously with Squidoo back in September last year. I truly enjoy writing for Squidoo because it allows me to write on any topic that I fancy for the moment. Also the great modules allow me to easier express my creativity. Squidoo is definitely not an article writing site!

Now let's see when I'll have ready my 200th lens. I know some lensmasters with 700+ lenses. I guess I still have a looong way to go till there...

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Finished January With 145 Lenses Total

Wow, I can't believe I already have 145 lenses with my latest lens about bronze horse sculptures that I've just finished this morning. Just in December I made my 100th lens on Kindle DX covers and cases, which made me a few nice sales over Christmas.

Well technically it is first of February this morning, but I'm hoping that this lens is still included for January since I've made it before the actual lensrank update, so that I get tier payments for February (if the lens gets to a tier, of course).

Just a year ago I was struggling with 5-10 measly ones for backlinking purposes. Since I've started seriously adding higher quality lenses (for people, not for search engines and backlinks) in September, I really pushed myself hard.

And it shows, as sales are up especially for December. While the sales for January are about half as those for December, they're still much higher than I'd ever had at Squidoo before.

Friday 27 January 2012

135 Squidoo Lenses To Date

Just 2 days ago I made my 135th lens for the upcoming Easter holidays called Easter Decorations For The Home. It is a lens with home decor ideas as well as decor accessories to buy from Amazon. Quite a fun one that took me a few hours to create.

I'm talking about Easter wreaths, Easter lights, table top decor elements, Easter candles, door and window decorations as well as tips and links to resources on making some of these decorations on your own. Great stuff for crafts with kids at home for the holidays.

Also yesterday I've been busy updating some of my lenses, bringing them up to date with information, layout, and replacing "free" images that I found ages ago in Google with images that I could properly credit. One of the revamped lenses is called Wine Tasting Tips. I first created this lens over a year ago when I didn't know any better and used images from all over the place.

Currently the lens has a lensrank of 179, 615, so let's see if the revamping will help it get to tier 3 to start earning.

There is a big issue these days at Squidoo with copyrights, credits and images, and if you ask for a critique in the Squidu forum about your lens, be prepared for some harsh words if your used images are not properly credited or if you're using images that are copyrighted and you should not be using them.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

I Became A SquidAngel

After applying about a week ago at Squidoo, finally I became today a Squidangel. I got the email in my Inbox when I woke up this morning.

Some of my lenses have been blessed over and over again by Squidangels who considered these lenses high quality and good enough to be blessed (see my lens called Who Is MarciaG for the lenses that have been blessed so far in 2011-2012), so I wanted to give back to the community and help others who make outstanding lenses and can use a blessing or two.

Here is the funny trophy I got for this occasion:

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Lenses For Upcoming Holidays

With Christmas sales over, earnings overall on Squidoo are much less (we all feel it). So now we have to focus on other holidays that are shortly here where people like to indulge in shopping.

Here are some lenses I made for the Valentine's Day:

Gifts for Valentine's Day for Boyfriend - a salesy lens on giving gifts for a boyfriend for Valentine's Day
Rose Colors and Meanings, a fun lens that explains the meanings of the various colors for roses.

Lenses made for St. Patrick's Day:

Celtic Cross Necklace for Men - a salesy lens on celtic cross necklaces that men love to wear

and just finished today a lens on Shamrock Stencil, a lens that is not really selling, but pointing towards mostly free resources on making your own shamrock stencils and templates and using them in crafts for kids.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Funny Squidoo Monster Messages

Now and then Squidoo gives us points (with 'monsters falling down') based on various things we do. Some are just mentions of points, but other are actually funny as hell.

As an example, I've received today a very funny Squidoo monster message after I've liked my 1313th lens. It really left me giggling, especially since I actually have a lens on Triskaidekaphobia.

So with this I've decided to save a screenshot of all funny monster messages and add them to this post. Will start with the one I got just now.

And here is the one I got today (Jan. 16th) after having liked a new lens. Totally funny!

Not that funny, but it did give me 100 points just now... (Jan 23)

January 27 got this one:

February 12 got this - it made me a chatterbox!

February 13 for making 150 lenses

Feburary 16 - lots of Squidlikes

March 8 - A fun one about lenslikes

And here is the answer

A fun one I got on March 9 for starting a new lens

March 19 I got this new monster dropping from Squidoo:

March 24 I got a new one, woohoo!