Saturday 24 November 2012

Became A Giant Collossal Squid 250

On November 16 I became a 'collosal squid' with 250 quality lenses under my belt. I had around 270, just to make sure that there were enough to choose from, but I seem to have made it with flying colors. I can't believe it, just about a year ago I had around 30 lenses and was struggling with less than $50 at Squidoo per month. Now one year later, and I've achieved so much...

In addition on the 18th of the November I've just celebrated 4 years of beeing at Squidoo. Woohoo! Congrats to me!

Monday 5 November 2012

Christmas Lens On Front Page Of Squidoo

It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted here. So let's see what things have happened with my Squidoo account since.

Some of my lenses have been featured on the front page, including my Halloween lens on Grandma Halloween Costumes and my new one for a Christmas quest called Book Holders for Reading. Actually the book holders lens also got last week a purple star and it's been featured on the front page for the last couple of days already. I'm tickled pink!

I've started making a few Christmas lenses since the 2-3 I already have are making me some random sales. The two lenses I made so far are:

Presents for New Mums
Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Women

My goal is to make 10 Christmas lenses in November, so let's see if I can meet this challenge.