Saturday 24 November 2012

Became A Giant Collossal Squid 250

On November 16 I became a 'collosal squid' with 250 quality lenses under my belt. I had around 270, just to make sure that there were enough to choose from, but I seem to have made it with flying colors. I can't believe it, just about a year ago I had around 30 lenses and was struggling with less than $50 at Squidoo per month. Now one year later, and I've achieved so much...

In addition on the 18th of the November I've just celebrated 4 years of beeing at Squidoo. Woohoo! Congrats to me!


  1. Congrats to you, very exciting!

  2. Congratulation on your four years with Squidoo and becoming a Giant Squid!! I love browsing Squidoo and have even started a lens but am not quite ready yet!! Congrats again!!
