Wednesday 25 July 2012

Squidoo Lens Featured On The Front Page

This week a second lens of mine has been featured on the front page. I entered in the second Woot competition and while I didn't win, my lens about 'How to get rid of fruit flies fast' has won a purple star and it's now randomly featured on the main page of Squidoo.

This is a topic that I actually know something about since due to the extra heat in our parts of the world, there are lots of fruit flies in many kitchens, including ours. I've been using various ways to get rid of them, some working better than others, so here I listed a couple that I'm familiar with.

I currently have 209 lenses, and on another note, I've reached 8% commission at Amazon, mostly through my lenses, and this for the second time now. The first time it was last month while I was away on holiday visiting my parents. The months is not yet fully over, and I'm already in the 8% bracket. Next I'll be working towards getting that elusive 8.25%. That's over 1571 products sold, so it's quite a bit until I get there. First, let's make sure I stay in the 8% bracket in the first place.