Saturday 11 February 2012

Lens Not Indexed in 4 Months

Ok I have a weird situation here - I have a lens that hasn't been indexed in Google since last October - that's just about 4 months and that's weird, considering that most of my lenses get indexed within hours or days (usually 2-3 days max). I noticed this by chance, since it's very down in tiers and it doesn't get any visitors, and the keyword is not all that difficult afterall.

So I checked in Google and sure enough, it's still not indexed.

I got a few useful tips from fellow lensmasters on the Squidutils forum and I've been implementing them, hoping that Google will finally take notice of it. If not, sometimes next week it goes on to the chopping block and will re-create it on another fresh lens.

The lens is about self help books for women, and the original title was Best self-help books for women, but I got the advice to even change the title for a bit, hoping that things will shake up. Let's see.

Also changed the lens a bit, added a link to a module of the lens within the intro part, changed the image and pinged it. It would be awesome to finally get indexed, I wouldn't want to scrap it and spend my time rebuilding it from scratch.

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