Thursday 6 October 2011

On Recycling, Reusing And Helping The Ecological System

Recycling, helping the eco-system is one of the things I'm actively trying to be engaged with. I've applauded the green point (Der Grune Punk as the Germans say) movement of recycling and I've adhered to it ever since.

Also I've learned lots in the process by researching and I've put some of the things I've learned in a few lenses dealing with this subject.

The history of recycling is a very interesting one that I wrote about because knowing the history and where it all started goes a long way towards better understanding how to help protect our environment.

Also when it comes to knowing how to reuse plastic bags, I've learned a thing or two. Plastic is a rather difficult material to recycle, and usually it ends up thrown away anyway by most people, so knowing that we can at least reuse it a couple of times before getting rid of it should help, even if only a little.

Finally, I also wrote a lens on knowing where to get moving boxes. This is not directly related to saving the environment, however I feel that it can contribute as well because it ties again into the issue of reusing things rather than just throwing them away after a single use.

I might write more on the subject of recycling and reusing time permitting because I think we all need to do our part - even if just to make other people aware of the fact that we CAN do something to contribute.

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