Tuesday 2 October 2012

October Earning Stats Are In

The October earning stats for August have just come in to our Dashboard, there is even a discussion about it at the Squidoo forum. There is a nice upwards trend which I like, for all 3 tiers, but especially for tier 1.

For example when comparing with the same month last year, this is what it looks like?

October 2012 earnings:

Tier 1 Earnings
Adpool: $45.28 Text link: $14.55 Total: $59.83

Tier 2 Earnings
Adpool: $7.70 Text link: $2.47 Total: $10.17

Tier 3 Earnings
Adpool: $0.39 Text Link: $0.12 Total: $0.51

October 2011 earnings:

Tier 1 Earnings
Adpool: $36.28 Text link: $11.41 Total: $47.69

Tier 2 Earnings
Adpool: $6.17 Text link: $1.94 Total: $8.11

Tier 3 Earnings
Adpool: $0.31 Text Link: $0.9 Total: $0.40

A nice change compared to last year, particularly for tier 1 with over $10 increase for that tier. It's worth fighting for keeping as many lenses in tier 1, that's true. However with these nice increases, it's also true that the fight for this coveted tier is stronger and stronger every month.


  1. unfortunately i am still stuck in tier 3, but these numbers are truly inspirational.

  2. For a long time I was also stuck there and at some point things just started happening. Maybe by accident I stumbled onto keywords that helped get more external traffic, which in turn also helped the lensrank. But the main idea is to keep making lenses. The more you make, the better your chances at getting them up to higher tiers.
